Somat – Sistem riguros de achizitie de date mobile

Noul Somat eDAQXReDAQeDAQlite si SomatXR va ofera o combinatie de caracteristici fara concurenta:

  • Conditionarea semnalului marginal
  • Corelarea datelor fizice si a GPS-ului
  • Procesarea in timp real a datelor, declansare si calcule complexe
  • Sisteme de achizitie date independente si robuste
  • Proiectat pentru aplicatii mobile
  • Sigilat pentru utilizarea in medii cu conditii extreme de lucru

Produsele noastre sunt construite pentru a rezista mediilor dure de lucru si au capacitatea de a efectua o gama larga de procesari de date la bord.

Sistemele de de achizitie de date mobile HBM din gama SOMAT

Achizitia datelor este o parte critica a procesului de dezvoltare a produsului. Intelegerea modului in care prototipul vehiculului si componentele se comporta in pe terenul de testare va ajuta sa asigurati  performanta ridicata a produsului in timpul vietii. Masurarea ratei actuale de utilizare a clientilor si a datelor operationale, ofera feedback proiectantilor, insa achizitia datelor nu este un proces usor. Conditiile de pe pista de incercare sau in mainile utilizatorului final pot fi foarte dificile. De obicei, exista o singura sansa de a obtine datele.

Aici intervine Somat eDAQ – construit pentru a rezista mediilor dure in care lucrati.

Somat eDAQlite: Sistem compact, riguros, de achizitie date mobile

Somat eDAQlite este versiunea compacta de testare a oricaror parametri a sistemului Somat eDAQ. Proiectat folosind aceeasi tehnologie, Somat eDAQlite are o conditionare similara a semnalului de varf si o capacitate de a efectua o gama larga de procesari de date la bord, declanasarea, stocarea inteligenta a datelor si calculele complexe.

Fiecare test nu utilizeaza sute de canale. Utilizatorii Somat eDAQ / Somat eDAQlite pot efectua teste atat cu un numar mare de canale, cat si cu unul mic, folosind o singura gama de produse. Nju exista o curba de invatare, un software nou sau un format de fisier; iar sistemele pot fi reunite impreuna.

Sistemul compact Somat eDAQlite poate fi instalat in mod discret pentru a colecta date in conditii discrete; de exemplu, in spatele unui panou de bord (vezi fotografia). Prin caracteristica de stocare inteligenta a datelor, datele de masurare  relevante sunt colectate intr-o forma condensata, usor de gestionat – si nu in gigabytes de rezultate. Pentru clientii care abia incep testarea, Somat eDAQlite are costuri mai mici de pornire si poate fi usor extins pe masura ce nevoile clientului se modifica si se dezvolta. Deoarece toate sistemele HBM Somat sunt usor de utilizat, de setat si operat, veti  incepe procesul de masurare rapid, colectand cu succes date, in cele mai dificile medii.

Mobile Data Acquisition in the Field

Vehicles and their components undergo numerous test runs from the conception of the idea to when they are ready for production: from „virtual load tests” conducted on the computer through tests in test stands to mobile tests in the field (road load data acquisition). The vehicles and components under test are subjected to real conditions of use. They are sometimes exposed to extreme ambient and temperature conditions. Whether you are testing cars, construction machines, or trains, each vehicle places special demands on field testing and requires testing in line with the target application.

HBM provides flexible testing and measuring solutions for deployment in mobile data acquisition:

  • Many sensors are available to facilitate the acquisition of different physical quantities.
  • Rugged data recorders (SomatXRSomat eDAQXRQuantumX), optimized for utilization in harsh environments allow mobile data acquisition reliably and safely.
  • Cutting-edge software solutions (catmannCode GlyphWorks) enable convenient online processing and analysis of the acquired data.

SomatXR Data Acquisition System: Ultra-Rugged and Extremely Flexible

The rugged SomatXR data acquisition system facilitates use in harsh environments. Besides being extremely reliable, precise, and protected from humidity, dust, shock, and vibration. The modular system is well-suited to be used in a variety of applications such as vehicle testing, stationary measurements, and structural health monitoring. The modules can be operated in a wide temperature range and can be flexibly combined via the Ethernet interface to match a wide range of applications.

eDAQXR – The Next Great Rugged Data Acquisition System

Whether you’re a new customer looking for the ultimate in rugged data acquisition, or an existing eDAQ customer looking to preserve your current system, the eDAQXR is the right solution for your harsh environment testing. It is the perfect tool when conducting fatigue testing on any number of applications, including agriculture, construction, mining, automotive, recreational vehicles, military and much more.

Protects Current eDAQ Investments

The new eDAQXR processor not only provides more computing power than the eDAQ system, but also offers user-friendly software that you can access via your web browser…no software to install on your PC.

The eDAQXR processor makes it possible to combine today’s eDAQ signal conditioning layers, with today’s SomatXR modules, and in the future expand to the new eDAQXR signal conditioning layers.

Providing the best tools for rugged mobile testing has always been our mission, and the eDAQXR processor is just the next product to show a continued investment in the Somat product line, and a gateway to combine today and tomorrow’s technologies.